
Welcome to the BrainX Movement list of disorders and symptoms.   

What's in a disorder?

There are over 400 disorders listed in the DSM-5 Manual, each characterised by a collection of symptoms and behaviours. 

Environmental factors such as inadequate movement, retained primitive reflexes, poor diets, and dysfunctional breathing are responsible for the onset and sharp rise of these disorders.

We have helped many children overcome these challenges by integrating primitive reflexes, motor sensory and improving movements and their environment.

List of disorders

We've compiled a list of the names given to these disorders to help you identify the common names and terms assigned to disorders or conditions people are labelled/diagnosed with.

We take you through summaries of the condition and our approach to supporting and helping people reduce symptoms. We also show how many of these disorders are highly related and overlap. Symptoms are often 'comorbid',

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