Movement is Essential for Healthy Brain Development

There are over 300 developmental disorders - We can support them all!

ADHD • Anxiety • Autism • Dyslexia • Dyspraxia • Epilepsy • OCD • Tourettes • Tics 

These conditions originate in the development of the brain and nervous system. Typically beginning in childhood or infancy. Affecting how a child learns, behaves or socially interacts. These disorders impact areas such as attention, motor skills, language, processing/memory and learning abilities and they can all be overcome!



Developmental disorders arise from environmental influences, not genetic inheritance. They are dynamic and respond to intervention, allowing for the improvement of symptoms and behaviours.



The brain possesses the remarkable ability to grow, reorganise, and form new neural connections throughout life, enabling continuous learning and recovery from mental health and developmental disorders.

We must act now!

As the human race reaches a critical turning point, it’s predicted that by 2030, 1 in 2 children could be diagnosed with autism.

These numbers are rising rapidly as our environments change faster than evolution can keep pace, which disrupts healthy brain development.

But there is hope...

By understanding how a healthy brain develops, we have created guides and courses to reverse these symptoms and statistics, giving children the opportunity to thrive. 

We have transformed many lives.

Our goal is to arm parents with the knowledge and tools to create the most nurturing environments for their children.

Leading to a healthy body, mind and optimal brain development. Some people are born with a genetic mutation that effects brain development.

But 99% of the population are born with very healthy brains. The hardware is not the problem… so what is causing this steep rise in disorders such as autism, ADHD and dyslexia?

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